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Learn More about us!


Professional Military and Civilian K9 Handlers (30+ years). We speak multiple languages. Se habla Español también. (Ask if interested).


Be advised that we require your fur baby(s) to NOT be aggressive, be kennel/crate-able and friendly, bring their own kennel/crate and food of choice, be flea & tick free, and have durable collars with updated tags. We will also require up to date (vaccine & preventive care proof); otherwise, we will not be able to in-process them into our home.


This means that we will inspect all these items, as well as their behavior, before we let your fur baby(s) into our home.


Be aware that if you show up with a pet(s) that have (ANY) sign of illness (even an allergy cough or sneeze), injury, aggression or behavioral deficiency; we will turn you away at the door. We cannot risk letting any contagious illness, disease or risky behaviors jeopardize any of the pets under our care.


Similarly, if your pet(s) ‘become’ unexpectedly ill, injured, aggressive or behaviorally erratic in (ANY) way, (ANY) time after Drop-Off; you (may) have to get your Emergency Point Of Contact to come pick them up immediately and care for them. Please have a back-up plan ready just in case.


If found deficient in any of these areas you will have to find alternative, last minute, care for them elsewhere.


Also, we require that you let us know in advance, (in writing), of ANY pre-existing conditions; illnesses, injuries, scrapes, scars, bites, allergies, abnormal behaviors/habits, etc. so that we all have a Common Operating Picture (C.O.P).


This way we can properly devise a care plan tailored to your fur baby’s specific needs.




We follow all your guidance regarding feeding times and portion sizes.

We utilize kennels/crates and the various separate Suites as their safe space in order to do

secure individual feedings, specialized sleeping arrangements, as well as other basic conditioning

tasks (such as time outs, if necessary, etc.)


We utilize kennels/crates and the various separate Suites as their safe space in order to do

secure individual feedings, specialized sleeping arrangements, as well as other basic

conditioning tasks (such as time outs, if necessary, etc.)


Therefore, we require that you bring 1 kennel per fur baby that you board. They only go in the

kennels/crates/Suites for these specific tasks. Otherwise, they are always free-roaming our

home, hanging-out and being loved by our family.


Sleeping arrangements will depend on a combination of their behavior, your preference,

but mostly the safety of all our guests (fur babies).


If they are well-adjusted/behaved then they’ll sleep, free-roaming, in the living room with us

and the rest of our babies.


If we notice issues/concerns regarding their comfort level, or any physical/behavioral security factors,

then they would sleep in their own individual kennel/crate/Suite.

If you don’t have a kennel/crate to bring then we can provide one for you, for an additional fee.


We also offer the Presidential Suite, VIP Suite, and the various Executive Suites; for those fur babies

who can’t, or don’t want to sleep with the group nor in a kennel/crate. There is an additional fee to

use these as well.


Supervised potty/playtime breaks are about every 2 hours or so, or whenever they ring our

potty-break bell. It’s easy to condition them to do this as they will model after our babies.


Additionally, be aware that as a safety measure some fur babies, in accordance with our extensive

K9 experience, will have to wear a belly band if they display ANY kind of mounting, marking,

incontinence or undisciplined potty-behavior, when we are indoors (only).


This keeps them from engaging in Territorial Competitions in Close Quarters (TCCQs) with each

other, as well as keeping the hygienic integrity of our home.


This practice does not hurt their potty-training AT ALL, and when leveraged properly it’s in

fact a useful tool to help potty train any fur babies that might be struggling with that concept.


For any fur baby(s) that are NOT spayed/neutered (females and males):


There will be an (additional fee) as they WILL engage in marking (conduct) and ATTEMPT to

engage in mounting (behavior) when they are around other (unacquainted) fur babies. Yes,

even if they don’t do it at home.


We utilize a lot of careful, detailed planning in our admission & scheduling process. Therefore, it

changes our entire operational environment in regards to other families & other fur babies’ behavior,

that we are caring for, when we introduce any ‘unspayed/unneutered’ fur babies into the equation.


This means that a lot of extra planning considerations, adjustments, precautions, as well as a lot more

work & cleaning material will be employed.


Absolutely NO (actual) mounting EVER takes place in our home due to our abundant experience

in recognizing the behavior before it turns into action. We have many safety redundancies to ensure

this never happens.


All our guests (fur babies) stay, live, co-exist and sleep inside with us. Literally, next to us wherever

we are  at all times, free-roaming. We only go outside (in our backyard) together for supervised,

scheduled potty-breaks and playtime.


Our prices are what they are because we provide a high level of professional, around the

clock (24/7) care for your fur baby(s). This means that no fur baby(s) are EVER left unattended or



My family has a ton of experience and success caring, socializing, rehabilitating as well as training canines.


We strive to do 1 main update, with at least 1 picture, for all our families towards the end of the day

after we have finished all our other critical tasks.


You may request more updates/pictures if it helps to ease your mind, but the safety and care of your

fur baby(s) comes first. We can’t properly focus on those aspects if everyone is constantly asking us for

multiple updates, pictures, videos, etc. throughout the entire day.

Some of the things included within our standard care are:

(Incomparable) comprehensive professional procedures, security, as well as multi-layered perimeter safety redundancies for your fur baby(s) based on over 30 years of military and civilian K9 handling experience.


Completely locked-down perimeter, especially the yard.


Comprehensive selection and admission process before the acceptance of any fur baby(s) into our family.


Solid 6 feet Privacy, Safety and Anti-digging fence.


This is to ensure the safety and well-being of all our guests (fur babies).


Safety will always come first so we can only entertain additional updates/pictures as our schedule permits.


Our Patio Setup

Unlimited filtered (R.O.) water via automatic watering stations throughout the property.


Cooling and warming stations throughout the property to provide comfort in any weather.


Compartmentalization of certain areas throughout our property (indoor and outdoor), in order to match doggie companions by size, energy level or behavioral disposition whenever necessary.


Professionally monitored and recorded safety cameras & sensors throughout the entire property.


Anti-bug and parasite countermeasures as well as treatments throughout the property.





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